December 19, 2013

A Christmas Newsletter from Shawneetown First Baptist:

(Mon, 16 Dec 2013)
Pastor Jack Hall
Since I last wrote, the First Baptist Kids and I have lit two more Advent Candles in preparation for the day that we celebrate the “Coming” of our Savior, Jesus Christ, into our world.  Those two candles are the Bethlehem Candle which I call the candle of peace and the Shepherds’ Candle which I call the candle of love.
  Peace and love are among the top things that most people long for in their lifetime.  And, I don’t know about you; but I believe they are the two things most needed in our world today!
   In Isaiah 9:6, one of the names attributed to the coming Messiah is Prince of Peace.  Jesus is that Prince of Peace who was born in Bethlehem.  I don‘t call the Bethlehem Candle the candle of peace because Bethlehem was a town of peace.  In fact, it was anything but a place of peace on the night when Jesus was born!  Caesar Augustus had called for a census and all the men had to return to their place of birth to register.  That included Joseph.  So he and Mary, who was pregnant, returned there.
   The town was filled with people, many of whom were seeking places to stay.  Mary and Joseph entered this town of bedlam and turmoil looking for a place for themselves.  The only place they could find was a cave where cattle and sheep were kept.  It was in the midst of turmoil that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, was born.
   It’s the same with us today!  We live in a world of bedlam and turmoil.  Our hearts are filled with anxiety and frustration.  We seek peace in so many places; mostly the wrong places.  But when we look to the Prince of Peace, we can have peace in the midst of our turmoil.  The only real peace is peace with God through Jesus.
  When I got to the Shepherds’ Candle (love), I asked the children what they might have thought if they had arrived at the church that morning and someone was standing at the door and said, “You can’t come in!  You’re not good enough!  You’re not one of our kind!”? The answers were “sad” and “mad.”
   Then, I explained that the shepherds were not allowed to worship in the temple simply because they were shepherds!  And, it was to those shepherds that the announcement was first made:  “Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David” (Luke 2:11).
   That announcement to those lowly, outcast shepherds shows the great love of our God!  God loves you!  It doesn’t matter who you are, what your background is, or what you have done in the past.  God loved you so much that He sent His One and Only Son into this world to be your Savior!  You just need to receive Him by faith!
   One of the things which I enjoy about sharing these scriptural truths with the kids is their enthusiasm and excitement.  Each Sunday they cannot wait for us to get to “that white candle in the middle!”  That is the Christ Candle (the candle of salvation).  Wouldn’t be wonderful if the rest of us (us adults) were that enthused and excited to get to Christ?

Bro Jack
I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)

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