May 13, 2012


Let me direct your attention to a horrible scene
That has all the aspects of a feverish dream,
One Friday, on Calvary, Like a hospital ward
Three men were dying, among them our Lord.

It was the worst case of neglect that was ever recorded,
These patients whose pains, Pontius Pilate had ordered.
On three hard beds, in the shape of a cross
Without a pillow or blanket, no nurse could endorse.

The one in the center, our attention should claim
Jesus of Nazareth, the chart gave His name.
Some cardiac condition, some examiners find
Excessive love for all mankind.

Now, you who are nurses, just listen to this
Unsterilized nails pierced His feet and His wrists,
And what about this for a cruel medication –
Vinegar and gall was His lips’ alleviation.

And His back was swollen from the blow that was dealt,
But no soothing ointment to lessen a welt.
No cold compresses were applied to His eyes,
The world’s greatest lover just hangs till He dies.

Not a grain of morphine, not a tourniquet set
As Mary’s son is bleeding to death.
Now don’t blame the Jews for this frightful neglect,
Our sins did it then, our sins do it yet.

This Rx of Jesus demands reparation –
It falls to you, nurses of this generation,
Whenever you see anybody in pain,
Just believe it is Calvary all over again.

And do for the patient, what you wish they had done
For that man in the center, who was Mary’s son.
It will thrill His angels; it will please Him too,
Just keep at it, your whole life through.

And when after death, your soul goes on high,
He will cap you again, in His home in the sky.
                                                     -          Author unknown   -



I am front row, second from far right. 
I was so proud. 
Now it's 2012, I worked 45 years as an RN and every year
I grow more humble. 

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