January 24, 2014

God’s Puzzle!

Who doesn’t love a puzzle?  I saw one today that God created.  Well, it seemed like a puzzle.  I took a drive through the refuge this afternoon.  I was hoping to see an eagle.  But I was amazed at the scene He drew before me

                I was driving slowing past a small hill covered with frozen brown foliage, bare trees and bushes, lots of fallen leaves.  I noticed a tiny wisp of white back in the bushes.  I slowed to a complete stop and watched.  When the wisp of white moved, I saw the deer, an adult sized doe.  As she took only one step towards me, an amazing thing happened.  Almost immediately, I could see the other four.  An ear jerked, a white tail twitched, another’s leg moved.  It was like they had appeared from thin air.  I carefully scanned the rest of the area, thinking there could be more.  But that was it, the five.  They were not troubled by my van/presence.  They munched slowly and diligently among the leaves and occasionally one or another would look my way.

                I watched a long time, undisturbed by any other vehicle.  An amazing slow motion picture show before my eyes on a cold January afternoon.  As I gently pulled away, the deer seemed not to notice.  I glanced at the dash, 4:35 pm and 27 degrees.  Well then, I could go home.  I’d found His blessing for January 24, 2014.  Or rather it found me.  Wow, who doesn’t love a puzzle?
Copyright - 2014 - Doris Grant Frey

January 2014

Alaska 2010 by Gary Frey

I stand in midwinter
And lift my weary head
To survey a weary world,
Frozen and dead.
I face gray days,
Even sunny frozen days,
When the sun on my cheeks
Leaves no warm.
And sometimes
The sun shines
And January still
Doesn’t thaw.
And I’m cold and tired,
And perhaps, uninspired.
But, I believe
That somewhere
Beyond the stratosphere
Old Sol is preparing
A festival
For Spring.
 Copyright - 2014 - Doris Grant Frey